
三、【畢業生離校系統】於113.06.03~113.08.29期間開放,請確認已完成各單位離校程序始得領證(除註冊組外,其它核可狀態皆為 V 者)。※若學生證遺失請持身分證驗證為本人始得領取。
六、113.07.05~113.09.01為本校暑假作息時間,上班時間為週一至週四(8:00~16: 30)。全校暑假共休週排定113.08.05~09,於此期間暫停服務,敬請知悉。


Bulletin Board

1. This semester, the University provides two ways for graduates to collect their graduation certificate this semester: by appointment or by mail. For detailed information, please see the announcements on the website of the Office of Academic Affairs.

2. ※Please note that only a limited number of appointments can be seen per day, and only graduates who made appointments will be received.

3. First, login to the Student Portal, and under the header Enrollment/Registration, click on Student Information Management System, where you need to confirm the spelling of your English name so that your graduation certificate can be made.

4. Between 2024.06.03 and 2024.08.29, login to the Student Portal, and under the header Enrollment/Registration, click on Graduate Procedure System to check if you have completed each step for the graduation procedure (except for the Registrar of the Academic Affairs Office, all sections must be approved).

5. ※If you have lost your student ID card, you can use your personal identification to verify your identity and collect your diploma.

6. After the Graduation Procedure System has been closed, starting from 2024.09.02, students can still download the “Graduation Procedure Form” [畢業生離校程序單] from the website of the Academic Affairs Office, and use this form to complete the graduation procedures in person. After completion, please take the form to the Registrar (2F) to receive the diploma.

7. For those who entrust others to collect the diploma, please download the “Power of Attorney for Graduation” [離校代辦委託書] from the website of the Academic Affairs Office. The trustee must present their ID card and the power of attorney to receive the diploma on behalf of the graduate.

8. Suspension period: 2024.07.05 to 2024.09.01. During this period, working hours are from Monday to Thursday between 08:00 and 16:30. However, between 2024.08.05 and 2024.08.09, please be noticed that ALL services will be suspended.

9. If you have any questions, please contact us or call the Registrar during working hours on the following number: (Day division) 02-29053042; (School of Continuing Education) 02-29052298.

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